
The Team

We're a group of technology enthusiasts coming from FER

Team Member
AI, back end and iOS

Ante will take care of the backend of our solution and help with the iOS app, if there is any.

Ante Čulo

The Gun
4th year
Computer Science
Team Member
Design and front end

Brigita will help us ensure that whatever we put out ends up looking as nice on the outside as it is on the inside.

Brigita Vrbanec

The Nom Nom
3rd year
Software Engineering
Team Member
Back end and Android

Petar is our Android guru, but his main role will be complaining about improper commit messages

Petar Šegina

The Muscle
3rd year
Computer Science
Team Member
Front end, back end and iOS

Stanko is our Rails guru, but his skills reach far beyond just the back-end.

Stanko Krtalić Rusendić

The Hustler
3rd year
Telecommunications and Informatics


Front end

HTML5, CSS, JS, SASS, AngularJS, you name it! We build our front-ends with the latest and greatest to ensure a great look and a maintainable codebase.

Back end

From static webpages to scalable, high-traffic projects serving 300k pageviews in a month, we've handled it all!


Whether you need an iOS, Android, Windows Phone or even a BlackBerry 10 app, the team has previous experience with every mentioned platform.

Things we've done

Both together, and individually, we've built some nice things.

mTisak Photo Print

First place
Agrokor - Inovacijom do poslovne prilike

Zoidberg's Ministry

Course project for Software Design

Telegram for BlackBerry 10

Second place - Telegram BlackBerry 10 contest

Ultra Companion

Second place - mStart Ultra Haktječaj

Google HashCode 2016

Place 414/1054
in an international CS competition


Third place - App Start Contest

YuGiOh Rankings

The official Croatian Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament ranking page


? place - Combis Hackaton

Some Fun Facts


Years cumulatively spent in college


Months of professional software development experience


Laptops - Two Macs, a Thinkpad and a Samsung (walk into a bar)


Microsoft internships starting this summer